Dear Member

It has been the practice of KCGO to provide members with a hardcopy of annual financial report, directors report and auditors report prior to holding its Annual General Meeting.

Given the current position with COVID-19 and strict measures currently imposed by the Australian and Queensland Governments relating to non-essential gatherings and social distancing practices it is unclear at this stage as to when KCGO will be in a position to hold its AGM. The Corporations Act 2001 – Section 250N requires public companies to hold an AGM within 5 months after the end of its financial year ie. in KCGO’s case by 31st August 2020. ASIC has provided some guidance for companies with a December financial year end who are required to hold their AGM by 31st May 2020 in that it will take no-action against those companies where their AGM is postponed up to the end of July. Should current restrictions of non-essential gatherings continue we would expect further/similar advices from ASIC in relation to AGM’s with a financial year end date of 31st March. It goes without saying that KCGO AGM will not take place prior to commencement of crushing season as was the case last year.

Despite possible delays in holding our AGM, it does not relieve KCGO’s obligation to lodge their annual financial report within four months after the end of the financial year ie. by 31st July. So in fact this year could result in our annual financial report having to be lodged with ASIC prior to presentation for acceptance by members at an AGM.

In relation to the previous provision of hardcopy of annual financial report and in effort to streamline processes, KCGO will be providing report in an electronic format via email prior to Annual General Meeting. Naturally members that do not have access to electronic means will continue to receive a hardcopy for their information.

Should members who have electronic access require a hardcopy you will need to advise this office accordingly, otherwise it will be deemed that you have accepted for an electronic version to be provided. read more

Daily Sugar Price

Thursday, 30 April 2020

The May 2020 contract settled at: 9.92 US c/lb
The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 65.57 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$352 for Jul Contract – 2020 season

$331 for 2020 season

$383 for 2021 season

$402 for 2022 season

$408 for 2023 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited.
Information sourced from QSL.

Daily Sugar Price

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

The May 2020 contract settled at: 9.52 US c/lb
The Australian Dollar currently trades at: 64.91 US cents

Forward indicative prices in Australian dollars are:

*$345 for Jul Contract – 2020 season

$323 for 2020 season

$382 for 2021 season

$409 for 2022 season

$422 for 2023 season

Proudly brought to you by Kalagro Limited.
Information sourced from QSL.



I refer to KCGO original email/post to web page of 4th February regarding the above weather event and assistance sought from growers at the time surrounding damage incurred and approximate cost to rectify.

This information was collated and previously provided to Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) along with details from other collectives in relation to their members to establish whether there is sufficient data to warrant DAF initial assessment process for Cat C activation or alternatively adequate evidence for a business case for Cat B activation.

Have recently been informed by DAF that Burdekin cane grower organisations have provided details for a total of 29 producers impacted by the 27-28 January 2020 rainfall event, with areas within the region reportedly recording >700mm across the 2 days. Estimate of damages for these 29 producers amounted to approximately $852,500.

The nature of theses impacts and estimated costs of repair vary considerably, ranging from $2000 – $119,000 per enterprise. The vast majority of impacts relate to washouts, headland / paddock erosion and damage to channels and drains. There are some instances of causeway damage, and damage/loss of plant and equipment.

To date only Counter Disaster Operations (CDO) and Restoration of Essential Public Assets (REPA) assistance have been activated in relation to the 2020 rain event that impacted parts of the lower Burdekin. There was no Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) activation for primary producers. The DRFA activation and support provisions associated with the 2019 monsoonal flood event are discrete, and have no sway in relation to the 2020 rain event.

Based on the information provided, DAF have indicated that it is clear that the impacts sustained from the 2020 rainfall event do not meet the prescribed eligibility thresholds for the Queensland Premier to elevate a DRFA activation case to the Australian Government and Prime Minister for consideration and approval: read more



Dear member,

Your directors remain committed that it is in all members interest to seek to maximise the use of clean seed cane in planting to minimise the risk of disease in your crop.

As a result the Directors have decided that Kalamia Cane Growers Organisation Ltd will once again extend members an incentive for 2020 purchases of clean seed cane subject to the following conditions:
• Rebate of $10 per tonne for clean seed cane purchased up to a maximum of 25 tonnes (ie. maximum rebate payable of $250).
• Members are eligible for rebate irrespective from which plot seed cane is purchased from.
• Rebate is only applicable to “Approved Seed” as per Burdekin Productivity Services Approved Plants Prices list ie. rebate does not apply to “Commercial Plants or Mother Plot Plants”.

To receive this incentive please provide copies of your seed cane purchase invoices and evidence/receipt for payment ( by email, post or in person ) to the Kalamia office and we will promptly process a refund to your nominated account.


Les Elphinstone
Manager KCGO